Sunday, November 22, 2009

What's the best the shampoo for dry hair?

I have dry hair just like you. I use Pantene. it may sound like a girls shampoo, but it works on guys too.

Remember that a certain shampoo may work miracles for one person and tragedies for another. So you just have to try different products. In the end you will find one that works for you.

Hope this helps!!!!

What's the best the shampoo for dry hair?

Head and Shoulder. Even you don't have dandruff it's perfect.

What's the best the shampoo for dry hair?

Dove moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. It's the best and smells good too.

What's the best the shampoo for dry hair?

It doesn't really matter what shampoo you use. I've tried them all (okay, a good number), none of them help... you need to use a deep conditioner once a week, and a good conditioner after you shampoo. If you have REALLY dry hair, try two-in-one (shampoo and conditioner) and then ALSO use a separate conditioner. On the cheap side, Pantene is good (they also make a good two-in-one). On the pricey side, Aveda Sap Moss is fantastic IF you use both the shampoo and the conditioner. It may also help to wash your hair only every other day, if possible.

What's the best the shampoo for dry hair?

The absolute best is a new brand just coming out called Organix. It has organic active ingredients and is sulfate free so it wont dry out your, it smells awesome! They have different collections for different ahir types and different fragrances. You'll be able to get Organix in the next few weeks at Kroger, Target, Safeway, Albertsons, Duane Reade, etc. Its the best! You'll love it!

What's the best the shampoo for dry hair?

I love frederic fekkai's product, it's really good for dry hair! Information %26amp; review are at:

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