okay, okay lots of people have asked this question(sorry ) but my hair is really really thin and is curly short and dry oh and not to mention it has like 10000 split ends what can i do about the
split ends
and how to make it grow really fast? i hear you have to plat it or something is this true?
i cut my hair about a week ago and the split ends just came back and its still really thin ....please help i would appreciate it alot.
What to do with dry very thin hair?
I would trim off the split ends, and give it a hot oil treatment. Then use a mild shampoo and conditioner, and you might even consider a protein shampoo/conditioner but make sure you read and follow the instructions precisely (you usually only use it once a week). Also I would stay away from hot irons and hair dryers which damage your hair. If you get your hair coloured, make it is done properly.
I know this sounds weird, but make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet, it can cause thin hair, though it is relatively uncommon in the US and Europe. Also, I know this sounds very odd, but make sure you are getting enough iron in your diet. Iron deficency is the most common type of defiency in the world, and if extreme it can cause thin hair to complete hair loss. An easy (though not professional) way to check is to pull down your lower eyelid and see if it is a healthy pink underneath the dark pink layer. Again I know it sounds weird, but it is somewhat common and very often overlooked cause of hairloss.
What to do with dry very thin hair?
Trim it, and use a good quality shampoo and conditioner. I'd recommend Pantene, but it gets pretty expensive.
Also, trimming your hair monthly will make your hair grow faster although it sounds bizarre.
What to do with dry very thin hair?
the split ends, you might want to frequently trim them... there's also leave in treatments for that kind of thing, i think. they might be caused by brushing your hair too hard, yanking on the ends if there's tangles or knots splits the ends [cause this happens to me. D:]
the dryness- use a good shampoo and conditioner, and there's leave in treatments for this. they can get expensive, but it all depends on how much you want the dryness to go away.
growing really fast, i'm not sure about that one. i think hair just grows at its natural rate and there's really not too much you can do to increase the speed.
hope this helps? :]
oh and also. the thinness-- you can get volumizing creams and shampoo's. try using sunsilk's line of volumizing stuff, it works really well, and it's not too spendy. [i've tried it myself. :D]
What to do with dry very thin hair?
Dont go out and buy anything expensive.
First: Purchase a mild Shampoo (To Clarify hair, I will explain why)
Second: TRIM your hair ends (May 1 1/2 to 2 inches)
Third: Here's the magic part: Mix olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and a "little" honey, (honey u will have to heat so it can blend). Either leave on ALL day or all night (if all nite, DONT use honey)
Repeat this 3-4 times a week, your hair will grow like a weed %26amp; remove all frizz I promise,..... and it will be super shiny!!!!
The clairifying shampoo will help take the oil off your hair when u shower
You can find olive oil anywere, but the other oils you will have to buy at a local organics store, wholes foods or BJ's health corner.
Source: http://www.myspace.com/creaturemermaid.....
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