Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dry Scalp Causing Hair To Fall Out?

Right around my bangs, my scalp is extremely dry and flaky. After I take a shower, that area is bright red, I think it is making my hair begin to fall out. I've tried miscellaneous shampoos and conditioners, but nothing seems to work. I take multi-vitamins every day, so I don't think I have any diet problems. How can I fix this? I don't want to be bald at 23.

Dry Scalp Causing Hair To Fall Out?

A generous oil application and massage is recommended before washing the hair. Frequent shampooing is harmful for dry hair. Sometimes lack of nutrients can also cause dry brittle hair. Take a multivitamin and mineral supplement on a daily basis. Check out http://solutionsfordryhair.blogspot.com/ for more info.There are many helpful tips to cure dry skin at http://useinfo-dryskin.blogspot.com/

Dry Scalp Causing Hair To Fall Out?

hmm, this seems a bit complicated, try consulting a doctor is my best advice

Dry Scalp Causing Hair To Fall Out?

go to a doctor the fact that the hair is fallin out says that the follicles are being damaged and when you damage ur hair follicles there is almost NOT WAY TO FIX IT so if u dont wanna be bald see a doc

Dry Scalp Causing Hair To Fall Out?

I think you might have psoriasis, which does make your hair fall out (not permanently, luckily).

Sometimes it can be confused with dryness.

Psoriasis symptoms can vary from person to person but may include one or more of the following:

Red patches of skin covered with silvery scales

Small scaling spots (commonly seen in children)

Dry, cracked skin that may bleed

Itching, burning or soreness

Thickened, pitted or ridged nails

Swollen and stiff joints

Psoriasis patches can range from a few spots of dandruff-like scaling to major eruptions that cover large areas. Mild cases of psoriasis may be a nuisance. But more severe cases can be painful, disfiguring and disabling.

When you scratch the itchy area, you will notice flakes of dead skin on your shoulders. It will get red and irritated after shampooing and it gets worse in the cold.

It can also be seen on your brows, sides of the nose or behind your ears.

If you do not wish to go get seen by a dermatologist, try using a shampoo that has tar in it, and use a vitamin D analogue cream, like Dovonex.

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